特邀嘉宾:Prof. Steven Feiner,Columbia University

嘉宾简介:Steven Feiner is a Professor of Computer Science at Columbia University, where he directs the Computer Graphics and User Interfaces Lab. His lab has been conducting virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and wearable computing research for over 25 years, designing and evaluating novel 3D interaction and visualization techniques, creating the first outdoor mobile AR system using a see-through head-worn display and GPS, and pioneering experimental applications of AR to fields as diverse as tourism, journalism, maintenance, construction, and medicine.
Prof. Feiner received an AB in Music and a PhD in Computer Science, both from Brown University. He is a Fellow of the ACM and the IEEE, a member of the CHI Academy, and the recipient of the ACM SIGCHI 2018 Lifetime Research Award, the IEEE ISMAR 2017 Career Impact Award, and the IEEE VGTC 2014 Virtual Reality Career Award. He and his students have won the IEEE ISMAR 2019 Impact Paper Award, the ISWC 2017 Early Innovator Award, the ACM UIST 2010 Lasting Impact Award, and many best paper awards. Prof. Feiner has served as general chair or program chair for over a dozen ACM and IEEE conferences and is coauthor of two editions of Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice.

演讲题目:User Interfaces for Collaborating in AR and VR 

演讲简介:With VR head-worn displays already successful consumer products and commercial AR head-worn displays soon to follow, interaction between multiple users is becoming increasingly important. A key issue here is how we can build 3D user interfaces that make it possible for people to collaborate more effectively, whether physically co-located or remote, at home or at work. To help address this, I will present research by the Columbia University Computer Graphics and User Interfaces Lab that explores the design and implementation of collaborative AR and VR environments. The experimental systems that I will discuss use different kinds of head-tracked eyewear and cover a wide range of task domains, from remote maintenance assistance, to urban visualization, to motor rehabilitation. All were developed with our open-source Mercury Messaging toolkit for Unity (https://github.com/ColumbiaCGUI/MercuryMessaging), which supports cross-component communication among scene objects within and between computers.



演讲题目:Robust SLAM for Augmented Reality。

演讲简介:Although SLAM have achieved great success in the past decade, some critical issues are not adequately addressed, which greatly restrict their applications in practice. For example, how to robustly obtain long and accurate feature tracks and close complex loops for multiple sequences? How to efficiently perform bundle adjustment for large datasets with limited memory space? How to perform robust SLAM in dynamic environments? How to handle fast motion and strong rotation? In this talk, I will introduce our recent works for addressing these key issues, which have been successfully integrated in SenseAR.  Particularly, an open dataset together with testing tool is designed for SLAM evaluation.


1993年获肯塔基大学博士学位,随后在美国大学任教7年,2000年受聘回国。上世纪在美国任教期间曾撰写英文专著《Get Real: A Philosophical Adventure in Virtual Reality》,被美国评论者认为“有可能在虚拟现实技术和哲学两个领域都成为里程碑性的著作”。该书中文版于2007年由北京大学出版社出版,深入讨论了信息技术通过虚拟现实(VR)和扩展现实(ER)对人类生活方式的颠覆性冲击,对虚拟现实和扩展现实发展趋势进行技术迭代预言并得到印证;己获2项有关虚拟现实技术的专利,其余多项申请已公布。他此前在中山大学设计建造的“虚拟与现实之间无缝穿越体验系统”达到世界领先水平,为虚拟现实与物联网的整合的技术路线与发展前景做出原型示范,已在国内国际产生广泛影响。他的学术影响,已从哲学领域迅速扩展到自然科学、社会科学、信息科学、新媒体艺术等领域。

演讲简介:我们试图建造物联网 (IOT) 把人造物甚至自然物的系统以有组织的方式进行电子信息标识和连接,同时接入互联网。以美国Second Life和中国HiPiHi为代表的虚拟世界平台,正在把全世界的人的身与心通过数码替身(Avatar)以实时受控三维形象的方式集结在一起进行前所未有的交流与创造性活动。除此之外,主从机器人、遥距微创手术等的研究发展,则为我们将操纵物理世界的感性直观界面接人虚拟世界的环境提供了现实的可能。将上述技术整合在一起,把虚拟世界与现实世界融为一体的扩展现实 (Expanded Reality) 就被建造出来了。要完成这样的一个整合,遥距操作的基本构架都有赖于传感装置在人与物的领域的覆盖性应用和计算机网络的云计算理念的全面实现。这里的传感技术,用于实时检测和操控的话,应该是双向互动的。一方面,计算机网络接收物体与人体的各种信息,另一方面,计算机网络还要把综合处理后的信息实时传向现场以驱动、操纵物体或引发刺激人体的信号。经过如此整合的人机互联互动系统,就能够允许我们完全沉浸在虚拟世界的环境里面进行各种维持基本生存和社会文化发展的实践活动。

 特邀嘉宾:Prof. Gregory Welch,University of Central Florida

嘉宾简介:Gregory Welch is a Professor and the AdventHealth Endowed Chair in Simulation at the University of Central Florida (UCF), with appointments in the College of Nursing, the Department of Computer Science, and the Institute for Simulation & Training, and he is a Co-Director of the Synthetic Reality Laboratory. He is also an Adjunct Professor of Computer Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Prof. Welch received a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering Technology from Purdue University, with Highest Distinction, and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He conducts basic research in areas including virtual and augmented reality, human-computer interaction, human motion tracking, and human surrogates for training and practice, and applications in domains such as healthcare and defense. With students and colleagues, he has published over 150 papers in these areas, and has received multiple best paper awards. His personal awards include the 2018 IEEE Virtual Reality Technical Achievement Award, a 2017 UCF Luminary Award, a 2017 UCF Research Incentive award, and the 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality’s Long Lasting Impact Paper Award. He is a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and a Member of the UCF Chapter of the National Academy of Inventors, the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the European Association for Computer Graphics, the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation & Learning, and the Society for Simulation in Healthcare. He serves on the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, and is an Associate Editor for the journals PRESENCE: Virtual and Augmented Reality and Frontiers in Virtual Reality. He is an ACM SIGGRAPH Pioneer and serves as an IEEE Technical Expert for Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality. He maintains an internationally-recognized web site dedicated to the Kalman filter, and his 1995 introductory article on the subject has been cited over 8500 times.
演讲题目:Virtual Beings Inhabiting Our Real World

演讲简介:There is a long history of research supporting the importance of plausible congruent behaviors associated with virtual objects and people in Virtual Reality (VR). Many researchers are working on virtual humans that exhibit apparent intelligence, and some degree of awareness of the non-verbal behaviors of a real human. We also have been examining the effects of awareness and influence of virtual humans, primarily in Augmented Reality (AR) settings, to environmental effects such as sounds, real-world movement (felt and observed), light, air movement, and interactions with other real and virtual humans. The results indicate that, like VR, congruent and plausible behaviors in AR matter—virtual humans and objects should be responsive to real world events. However in practice it is much more difficult in AR, because unlike the case with VR—where the system controls (and therefore is aware of) everything, AR systems are typically unaware of dynamic real world events, and unable to affect the real world.

While most examples of autonomous awareness today are egocentric with respect to a head-worn display, the steady integration of Internet of Things (IoT) capabilities into every-day devices all around us presents an opportunity for the addition of more allocentric pervasive awareness and real world abilities to AR. In this talk I will discuss the nexus of IoT, AR, and intelligent virtual agents. I will discuss some ideas for application-specific embodied augmented reality agents (ARAs) with pervasive awareness, appearance, and abilities could be transformational. I will present some related novel experiments and results, and some ideas for the future convergence of our physical and virtual realities.


嘉宾简介:国家特聘专家。英国曼彻斯特大学物理与天文学院讲席教授、哈尔滨工业大学计算机科学与技术学院首席教授(兼职)。2019年当选英国皇家人文艺术学会会员 (Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts)、英国皇家生物学会会员 (Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology), 分获荣誉头衔FRSA与FRSB。在计算心脏动力学、虚拟生理器官相关研究方面取得了一系列具有影响力和独创性的重要成果。已发表期刊与会议文章400多篇,其中在同行评议的国际权威期刊 (SCI, 如Circulation(IF>22)、Circ Res(IF>13)、Nature Communication等)发表文章200多篇。 多项工作引起广泛的公众兴趣,被多国家、多媒体报道(如BBC等媒体)。Citation (论文引用): >7300次,H-index (H因子): 45。主持英国BBSRC、EPSRC、BHF、Wellcome Trust基金项目、欧盟第7框架项目、中国自然基金项目、制药企业与投资公司项目等20余项。被邀请在多个著名国际会议上做特邀报告/大会报告并担任会议主席,迄今为止已成功组织多场国际会议。

演讲题目:Virtual heart - a basis for developing a wearable ECG imaging system for detecting origins of cardiac arrhythmias

演讲简介:Cardiac arrhythmias including atrial fibrillation (AF) are the most common cardiac diseases causing morbidity, stroke and sudden death. It is believed that cardiac arrhythmias are associated with electrical storms presenting uncoordinated multiple excitation wavelets that desynchronized the mechanical contraction of the heart. Current treatment of AF may use RF ablation, but it is a challenge to locate the origin of the electrical storms for targeted ablation. Recent advances in bio-sensor engineering and biomedical sciences shed light to image the functional electrical activity non-invasively. In this talk, I shall review recent progresses in the development of virtual heart (eHeart) and multi-lead wearable ECG vest to image the electrical activity of the heart by a combined approach of solving forward and inverse problems.


嘉宾简介:林浩先生现任戴尔科技集团全球副总裁/大中华区商用终端解决方案事业部总经理,负责大中华区客户端产品的市场导入、产品定位、价格策略及产品生命周期管理等工作。林浩先生于2009年2月加入戴尔(中国)有限公司。 他带领戴尔包括商用和家用业务的终端产品团队,充分利用戴尔全球资源,并根据对终端用户需求的深刻洞察,实现了戴尔终端产品线在中国市场的完美布局。加入戴尔之前,他曾在索尼爱立信移动通信(中国)公司、摩托罗拉(中国)公司任职,分别担任大中华区域业务、销售及市场等高级领导职位。林浩先生毕业于福州大学,拥有机械工程学士学位,并先后在伦敦商业学院和纽约州立大学水牛城管理学院研修高级管理课程和中国高管MBA培训项目。林浩先生还是 中国软件行业协会“信息技术新工科产学研联盟”VR实验资源委员会,常委;中国虚拟现实与可视化产业技术创新战略联盟CVRVT,副理事长;中国医药教育协会暨智能医学专业委员会,委员。

演讲题目:知行智远  科技创新——戴尔科技助力教育数字化建设和人才培养

演讲简介:作为全球唯一提供IT端到端基础架构解决方案的企业,戴尔科技集团在中国一直秉承 ”在中国,为中国“ 战略。我们连接企业、连接创新,同时通过连接企业和创新来服务中国教育人才培养和发展,特别是在5G环境下,如何通过5G+和VR+,来服务于新时代的人才培养,来改变或者提速整个教育的效果和成效。服务于这个目的,我们在过去几年,与一些企业和高校合作,进行虚拟现实数字化建设和人才培养工作,其中包括投资和开展“中美创客”项目和“协同育人”项目。这些合作项目大部分基于虚拟仿真、人工智能、大数据等科技应用,在教学的同时,培养学生的开发和研究能力,以便将来为行业和企业输送更多高质量的人才,同时也推动创新和人才培养的产学研发展。


嘉宾简介:Prof. ANDRÉS ADOLFO NAVARRO NEWBALL is a Titular Professor at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali, Colombia. He directs the DESTINO research group, with research interests in Graphical and Visual Modeling, Software and Construction modeling, as well as Data Analytics. Prof. Navarro obtained B.S. in Computer Science from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali, M.S in Computer Graphics and Virtual Environments from University of Hull, U.K., and Ph.D. in Computer Science from University Otago, at the Graphics Lab. He has published over 30 peer reviewed papers on International Conferences and Journals, and have been the principle investigator of 16 Colombian and international research projects. Prof. Navarro founded of the successful JavAtar creativity contest in video game design, and has run it annually from 2011 till present.

演讲题目:Advances in Digital Twins Technologies and Their Applications on International Projects

演讲简介:Digital Twins transcend beyond traditional graphics modelling and virtual reality in that it not only features high fidelity and interactivity, but also captures the inherent principles of real-life objects to make them evolving the same in both real and virtual worlds. A plethora of technologies are thus developed to achieve these objectives, specifically in modelling and animation. In this talk I am going to review several technologies and our group’s contributions. The talk also presents our applications work on Digital Twins in several international collaboration projects, of which the scale of complexity and requirement on fidelity make them both challenging and the solutions rewarding.